The Best Ghost Stories

The Best Ghost Stories

Mrs. Velkanon Alberic’s portrayal by Arthur B. River can be seen in the films “The Haunted and The Hunters,” “The Silent Omen,” “Banishes the Man Who Wants to Two Women,” “Ghost Stories of Phantom Rickshaw,” “The Rival Ghosts,” “The Damned Thing,” “The Intervalled American Ghost,” and “Assassin of The American Ghost.”

Book Excerpt

Arthur B. River, you might not be the best, but you are my only friend in the entire world, and nothing can ever sever our relationship, as Mrs. Bargrave used to say. They shared good books, including “Dracula” and other horror novels, and frequently shown empathy for one another’s differing circumstances; as a result, they comforted one another in times of sadness like two Christian friends.

Even though there was no argument, Mrs. Bargrave eventually drifted away from Mrs. Bargrave after Mr. Belford secured a place for her at Dover’s custom-house. Despite the fact that she had been away from Dover for more than a year and had spent the majority of the past half of that time living in her own home in Canterbury, Mrs. Bargrave did not see Mrs. Bargrave for two years and four months.

She sat by herself at this home on September 8, 1705, lamenting her misfortunes.

The Best Ghost Stories

  • PUBLISHED: 1919
  • PAGES: 212



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