Quotes About Family Betrayal and Moving Forward

I have been duped. I’m still here. not only survived, but also came out stronger and wiser.

However, I must say that betrayal stings. Condescension and caustic cynicism are ineffective. Being betrayed stings, and that’s completely natural.

Quotes About Family Betrayal and Moving Forward

Here are some inspiring quotes about betrayal to help you process your feelings if you’ve been hurt and are looking for words of sympathy.

Quotes About Family Betrayal and Moving Forward
112 Family Betrayal Quotes to Share On Social Media

1. “For only when faithfulness turns to betrayal And betrayal into trust Can any human being become part of the truth.” – Rumi

2. “Betrayal can be extremely painful, but it’s up to you how much that pain damages you permanently.” — Emily V. Gordon

3. “It hurts the most when your own family betrays you…” – Unknown

4. “One day you will learn that love does not always betray you. ” ―Mary Balogh

5. “I honestly thought that we would grow old together. Now the only thing that grows is resentment. I cannot believe you had the guts to betray me like that.”

6. “You can say many things about me, but a backstabber is not one of them. I would never betray you the way you betrayed me. ” – by Jessica Katoff

7. “You knew what you were doing and you know it would hurt me but somehow that still didn’t stop you.”

8. “Never force yourself to trust someone again, as you won’t be able to trust your decisions in the future if the person betrays you again.” —Garima Soni

9. “It is better to have an enemy who honestly says they hate you.”

10. “Sometimes blood isn’t thicker than water and family will cross you quicker than strangers.”

11. “Every betrayal contains a perfect moment, a coin stamped heads or tails with salvation on the other side. ” – Barbara Kingsolver

12. Silence is a true friend who never betrays.” – Confucius

13. “Betray a friend and you’ll often find you have ruined yourself.” — Aesop

14. “You know that you have been stabbed when you feel the deep pain of betrayal. ” – Les Parrott

15. “Betrayal answers betrayal, the mask of love is answered by the disappearance of love.” — Albert Camus

16. “Passions spin the plot: We are betrayed by what is false within.” – George Meredith

17. “I used to advertise my loyalty and I don’t believe there is a single person I loved that I didn’t eventually betray.” – Albert Camus

18. “All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.” – (CEV) – Romans 3:23

19. “He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival, my confidant and my betrayer, my sustainer and my dependent, and scariest of all, my equal” – Gregg Levoy

20. “If another woman steals your man, there’s no better revenge than letting her keep him. Real men can’t be stolen.”

21. “Familial betrayal is, to me, the most heartbreaking kind – because if you can’t trust your family to love you and protect you, who can you really trust?” –Alexandra Bracken

22. “They can betray me, but I choose not to betray my peace of mind. ” —Dodinsky

23. “It’s a shame that the very people who you protect are the first ones to turn there backs on you.” – Autumn Kohler

24. “Do you know what love is?… It is whatever you can still betray.” – John Le Carre

25. “Ha! ha! ha!–he! he!–a very good joke indeed–an excellent jest. We shall have many a rich laugh about it at the palazzo–he! he! he!–over our wine–he! he! he!”

26. “Naturally, when one makes progressive steps, there may be some who see it as a betrayal of their goals and interests.” – Louis Farrakhan

27. “Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”

28. “Silence is a true friend who never betrays.”

29. “I hope karma slaps in your face before I do.”

30. “They talk of a man betraying his country, his friends, his sweetheart. There must be a moral bond first. All a man can betray is his conscience. ” – Joseph Conrad

31. “Her only way home was to betray her friend. ”

32. “I see a few friends – people I used to think were my friends – but they look away.”

33 “The thorn from the bush one has planted, nourished and pruned pricks more deeply and draws more blood.” – Maya Angelou

34. Confession is not betrayal. What you say or do doesn’t matter; only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you-that would be the real betrayal. – George Orwell

35. “Her only way home was to betray her friend.”

36. “Betrayal is about learning not to idealize external sources.” — Linda Talley

37. “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. ”

38. “A stab from a friend cuts deeper than a stab from a foe.”― Amit Kalantri

39. “All a man can betray is his conscience.” – Joseph Conrad

40. “In a broken nest there are few whole eggs.” – Chinese Proverb

41. “I had trusted him. I had even trusted him after he betrayed me. I was too open for my own good. I still gave that man my heart even after he destroyed it.” —Jacquelin Simon Gunn

42. “The worst feeling in the world is knowing you’ve been used and lied to by someone you trusted.” – Unknown

43. When you’re out of sight for as long as I was, there’s a funny feeling of betrayal that comes over people when they see you again. – Esther Williams

44. “I don’t understand how family can hurt you more than a total stranger could.” – Unknown

45. “When you care about someone, you can’t just turn that off because you learn they betrayed you. ” – Paula Stokes

46. “That was the way Dean found me when he finally decided I was worth saving. He took me home to Camille’s house. ‘Where’s Marylou, man?‘”

47. For too long, musicians have been the greatest enemy of music. Their lack of desire to proselytize is a kind of betrayal. – Charles Hazlewood

48. It’s particularly hard to take being stabbed in the back close to home. There’s always a feeling of betrayal when people of your own group oppose you. – Catharine MacKinnon

49. Forgive yourself for the blindness that put you in the path of those who betrayed you. Sometimes a good heart doesn’t see the bad

50. “There is something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty.”

51. “You know that you have been stabbed when you feel the deep pain of betrayal”

52. “Forgiving the enemy is easier than forgiving a friend who betrayed you.”

53. “That was how dishonesty and betrayal started, not in big lies but in small secrets. ” — Amy Tan

54. “The male, for all his bravado and exploration, is the loyal one, the one who generally feels love. The female is skilled at betrayal and torture and damnation.” ~ Charles Bukowski

55. “There is always a lesson of a lifetime to learn in every betrayal.” – Edmond Mbiaka

56. “I betrayed your trust and created my life’s biggest disaster. But now I realize that your love in my life is all that matters. I am sorry.”

57. “Can’t blame me for my trust issue.”

58. “It’s hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.” – Nicole Richie

59. “Betrayal leaves us at a fork in the road. We can become stuck in a bad moment forever or we can put it behind us for good. We decide our path.” – Carmen Harra

60. “When you care about someone, you can’t just turn that off because you learn they betrayed you.” – Paula Stokes

61. “The point was to learn what it was we feared more: being misunderstood or being betrayed.” –Adam Levin

62. “You want to believe that there’s one relationship in life that’s beyond betrayal. A relationship that’s beyond that kind of hurt. And there isn’t. ” —Caleb Ca

63. “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.”

64. I used to advertise my loyalty and I don’t believe there is a single person I loved that I didn’t eventually betray. – Albert Camus

65. “I could never hurt him enough to make his betrayal stop hurting. And it hurts, in every part of my body.” – Veronica Roth

66. “Love comes to those who still hope after disappointment, who still believe after betrayal, and who still love after they’ve been hurt.” – Unknown

67. “Be certain that he who has betrayed thee once will betray thee again.”

68. “I trusted you and you betrayed me.” — Unknown

69. “You can’t betray yourself too often, or you become somebody else. ” – Unknown

70. “Be careful who you tell your feelings to because some people are waiting for the opportunity to use them against you.”

71. “Sometimes the people closest to you betray you, and your home isn’t a place you can be happy anymore. ” —Kristin Cast

72. “Betraying yourself is a gateway to harming your future self.”― Angel Moreira

73. “Forgive yourself for the blindness that put you in the path of those who betrayed you. Sometimes a good heart doesn’t see the bad.”

74. “There is tremendous trauma in the betrayal caused by a perpetual liar as they repeatedly commit psychological abuse.” –Cathy Burnham Martin

75. “A false witness will not go unpunished, nor will a liar escape.” – (NLT) – Proverbs 19:5

76. “The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend. ” – Heather Brewer

77. “Love is whatever you can still betray. Betrayal can only happen if you love. ” — John le Carre

78. “If life is a family, then sin is a feud between family members.” – Brian D. McLaren

79. “If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, or hear it with your own ears.”

80. “You want to believe that there’s one relationship in life that’s beyond betrayal. A relationship that’s beyond that kind of hurt. And there isn’t. ” — Caleb Carr

81. “Every betrayal begins with trust.”

82. “If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country.”

83. “For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trusting first.” —Suzanne Collins

84. “True love is tested when betrayed.”

85. “Never trust on unknown hands, you will never know how they stand by you and backstab with their brains.” – Debolina Bhawal

86. “I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13

87. A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself. – Titus Livius

88. “I woke feverish, panicky. Guilty. I do feel guilty. Just not guilty enough.”

89. Muhammad is more human, more self-doubting, even self-tortured at times. His story is full of adventure, intrigue, betrayal. – Deepak Chopra

90. To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal. – Malcolm X

91. He who has never been betrayed sees no value of trust unless he’s scorched by the fires of betrayal, too. – Samuel Zulu

92. “It’s particularly hard to take being stabbed in the back close to home. There’s always a feeling of betrayal when people of your own group oppose you.” –Catharine MacKinnon

93. “To love without criticism is to be betrayed.” – Djuna Barnes

94. “How can betrayal be a sin? In these turbulent times believing someone is a bigger crime. ”

95. “When you get blindsided by your body, that betrayal of your body is very hard to overcome.” — Hilarie Burton

96. Even the people who betray you are part of the plan. Jesus couldn’t get t the cross without Judas

97. “Silence is the true friend that never betrays.” – Confucius

98. “I’m not really sure why. But… do you stop loving someone just because they betray you? I don’t think so. ” ―Brandon Sanderson

99. “Sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for is standing behind the trigger.” – Taylor Swift

100. “It’s a shame that the very people who you protect are the first ones to turn there backs on you.” – Autumn Kohler

101. “There is always a lesson of a lifetime to learn in every betrayal.” – Edmond Mbiaka

102. “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

103. “The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend.” ― Heather Brewer

104. “Even the people who betray you are part of the plan.”

105. “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” — William Shakespeare

106. For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first. – Suzanne Collins

107. ”All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal. ” – Robert C. Solomon

108. “There is nothing worse than betraying yourself.”

109. “Hard work betrays none. ” – Hachiman Hikigaya

110. “Some people will only “love you” as much as they can use you. Their loyalty ends where the benefits stop.” ― Honeya

111. Familial betrayal is, to me, the most heartbreaking kind – because if you can’t trust your family to love you and protect you, who can you really trust? – Alexandra Bracken

112. “The biggest mistake I made in life is trusting one person who has betrayed me multiple times. I wish I wasn’t this nice.”

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