Best Self-Help Books For Narcissists

21 Best Books on Narcissism & Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Best Self-Help Books For Narcissists

Best Self-Help Books For Narcissists

Are you involved in a relationship with a manipulative or controlling person?

Do you feel like you need to address some problems and go forward while treading carefully?

Do you fear that you are losing your mind and find it difficult to explain why?

In that case, you may have experienced narcissistic abuse.

I’ve been a therapist for more than 20 years. Every year, I publish papers and lead workshops on codependency and narcissistic abuse. I have dealt with and observed hundreds of individuals who have experienced narcissistic abuse, sometimes known as emotional blackmail or psychological torment.

The issue has expanded so widely that it is now pandemic!

I frequently suggest taking some time off to go outside the rehabilitation process when working with clients on recovering from narcissistic abuse. I’d like to recommend a few books to you that I think would be most beneficial for the healing process.

Even while you should use caution, not all books deal only with narcissistic abuse. Not to worry; they all assist in the healing process.

According to recent study, narcissism is characterized by a lack of empathy for other people, an exaggerated feeling of one’s own significance, a strong desire for attention or praise, and a need for control. People who exhibit narcissistic or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) qualities frequently manipulate or take advantage of others around them, causing relationships to fall apart or forcing people to leave such connections as the only appropriate course of action.

How we chose

The books in this list are suggested resources and methods for coping skill development and stress management. Some of the books are written by experts and practitioners in the field of mental health, while others are written by people who have directly dealt with and overcame stress.

General Books for Dealing With Narcissists

These books may teach you about NPD, how to communicate with narcissists, and how to neutralize them no matter where you come into contact with them.


Disarming the Narcissist

by - Wendy T. Behary (Author)

Ignoring a narcissist in your life, whether they are a friend, coworker, or family member, is not always the best course of action. Usually, you’ll have to talk to them or ignore them. So, you’ll need to pick up some new talents if you’re determined to retain this person in your life.

As a therapist and academic, Wendy Bahary uses her knowledge to instruct readers on how to connect with and converse with difficult people by outlining specific tactics for empathy, compassion, and communication. They have conversed with people who don’t have the same traits. They discover how people view them and how particular actions might be predicted or dealt with in these kinds of relationships. Importantly, you’ll learn how to set limits and define what constitutes appropriate behavior.


Although there are many emotionally charged vampires in this book, including the antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive, and paranoid types, clinical psychologist Dr. Al Bernstein expertly demonstrates to readers several methods to identify and distinguish between them.

For readers to properly face narcissists while maintaining their power and well-being, Bernstein offers crucial components. He uses current headlines to show how narcissists and other empathic vampires seem in action, which is an interesting use of real-life examples to aid readers in understanding.



Why Is It Always About You?

by - James F. Masterson (Foreword), Sandy Hotchkiss (Author)

Sandy Hotchkiss, a clinical social worker and psychotherapist, expertly demonstrates to readers how to handle a person who is unable to see the value of a balanced give-and-take relationship. She discusses boundarylessness, aggressiveness, magical thinking, and manipulative conduct via what she refers to as the “seven deadly sins of narcissism.”

Beyond describing and defining, Hotchkiss explores why some individuals are drawn to narcissists despite all of their “bad” conduct and offers advice on how to escape this unhealthy, oftentimes deceitful, entanglement.


This comprehensive manual outlines specific actions you may take to free yourself from detrimental narcissistic behavior without having to entirely cut off contact with the person. The narcissistic spectrum is discussed by author Melody Romig, including narcissistic verbal abuse, manipulation, and gaslighting.

In dealing with a narcissist’s writing, Melody’s ultimate objective was to “tap into readers’ empathy and understanding, alleviate their anger or pain, and provide them with greater insight and understanding” while avoiding obvious triggers and provocative remarks about narcissists.


Right now, narcissism might seem a little odd, but reading Dr. Campbell’s book will help you better comprehend it, discover linked conditions, and learn how to cope with narcissists in your life.

Dr. Campbell goes into the latest research on narcissism and gives advice on how to deal with narcissists, from recognizing them in your personal relationships to understanding how society develops them.


In order to reevaluate narcissism and provide science-based guidance on how to cope with narcissists, Harvard psychologist Craig Malkin has studied the history of narcissistic personality disorder. He claims that because real narcissists are not motivated by conceit, celebrity, or riches, the majority of us may not be able to identify them. Even the most narcissistic individuals can be calm, polite, or introverted.

Narcissism actually has a spectrum. This book dispels myth and misconceptions while offering straightforward advice on how to steer ourselves, our relationships, and our families away from in-depth reflection and safeguard them against toxic narcissism.


Books for Those Dealing With Narcissism in a Relationship

Narcissism in relationships may be difficult to deal with and harmful. The books listed below might offer helpful tips and techniques for dealing with a narcissist in this circumstance.


Narcissistic Lovers

by - Cynthia Zayn (Author), M.S. Kevin Dibble (Author)

“In their book, ‘Narcissistic Lovers,’ co-authors Cynthia Zayn and Kevin Dibble concentrate on people with NPD who are unable or unwilling to change. The purpose of this book is to help readers leave harmful relationships behind.

“If you find yourself tiptoeing around your partner every day to keep them happy, then something may not be right,” write Zayn and Dibble. They assist in recognizing the severity of their condition and offer hope for recovery via study and conversations with others in relationships that are comparable to their own.



Freeing Yourself from the Narcissist in Your Life

by - Linda Martinez-Lewi (Author)

Finding a supporter in the world of relationships with narcissists might be an important tactic to free oneself from high-level narcissistic behavior. An authority on harmony, serenity, and psychological healing, Linda Martinez-Lewi has gathered clinical information on well-known narcissists with distinct mental profiles, such as Pablo Picasso, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Ayn Rand.

Martinez-Lewi is a psychotherapist who is aware of how to break down a high-level narcissist and the amount to which separating from them may be empowering.


This book uses many metaphorical allusions to “The Wizard of Oz” to provide readers practical methods for recognizing narcissists and dealing with their particular destructive behaviors. Many selected professionals with authority, like coworkers or superiors, occasionally stay close to home, much like the wizards themselves.

You will need to take precautions to safeguard yourself against deception, exploitation, and harassment while dealing with a narcissist in any kind of relationship, whether it be a spouse, workmate, friend, or parent. Author Eleanor Payson tackles a difficult issue and provides self-help without being intrusive.


Are you involved with a secret narcissist? The book by Debby Mirza dives into this particularly difficult scenario and offers you a checklist if you’re unsure. It highlights the contrasts between overt and covert narcissists and provides useful insights into each of them as well as the strategies they employ to control others in their sphere of influence.

The book also has a chapter on healing, which acknowledges that even though the person is no longer there, you still need to do some inner work in order to move on and end your current connection.


Do you feel like you don’t truly know your narcissistic spouse because they have abused you and made you feel like you’re going insane, or are you trying to get away from them?

It’s difficult to end a relationship that causes psychological pain. Detaching from the abuse may be a painful process, and it can be difficult for those involved in the relationship to understand that they are trapped with no obvious way out. This manual serves as a wake-up call by providing actionable suggestions on how to leave the relationship.



Unmasking Narcissism

by - Mark Ettensohn Psy. D. (Author), Jane Simon (Author)

Recognizing the unmistakable characteristics of narcissism may be an unpleasant reality if you are dealing with a narcissist in your life, whether it be a supervisor, coworker, lover, friend, etc. It can also help you create healthy boundaries and define your beliefs. The ground-breaking book by clinical psychologist Mark Ettensohn provides insights into typical narcissistic conduct and the subtleties of interpersonal dynamics. This book contains something for everyone, whether you’re having trouble assessing your loved one using the NPDI, trying to end the relationship, or looking for healing after they’ve passed away.

Specific coping strategies for healing, real-life testimonies from survivors, and factual portions that are in line with the DSM-5 are some of its topics. Overall, this book presents a realistic, sympathetic portrait of narcissism and what it’s like to live with a narcissist.


Books for Recovering From a Narcissist

Being in a relationship with a narcissist can cause pain on a physical, emotional, and psychic level. Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome is frequently linked to these catastrophic outcomes. Getting out of the pattern of narcissistic abuse can be difficult, but the books listed below are helpful places to start.

You have taken action to extricate yourself from the circumstance after acknowledging the issue of mental abuse by a narcissist. What’s next? How are you going to recover from the abuse you endured?

If this speaks to you, you might want to look into this transformational workbook. Through writing prompts, activities, and more, you may come to terms with what you’ve been through, identify and deal with the emotional baggage associated with your abuse, and find healing.


Daniel S., a writer and psychologist, explores the subject of narcissistic relationships and how they affect and suffocate people. He offers precise instructions on how narcissistic abusers effect their victims and how those preyed upon might experience the healing and release that they frequently do.

Both therapists who work with narcissistic abuse victims and the survivors themselves who are looking for recovery will find value in this book.


Books for Those With Narcissistic Parents

The baggage you carry from having a narcissistic parent may still be handled and overcame. There are several books listed below that might be a good place to start if you’re trying to recover from the emotional trauma of having a narcissistic parent.

The narrative of Alan Golomb’s book veers more toward memoir than self-help, and although while some readers may see some of its passages as being date-heavy, its ultimate goal—to make the reader feel less alone—is achieved. He depicts the hidden presence of a dark yet interconnected universe of ideas that many children of narcissistic parents have experienced.

Golomb combines case studies with the personal testimony, which is the most effective component, in an effort to solve the mystery of narcissistic personality disorder. In particular, he explores subjects like “Recovering Relationships,” childhood stresses, and how to treat the wounds caused by the effect.



Will I Ever Be Good Enough?

by - Dr. Karyl McBride Ph.D. (Author)

This book examines the special ties between daughters and their narcissistic moms, as is clear from the title alone. In the past, some women have found it difficult to put their needs above those of others, and this susceptibility frequently gets worse when they become involved with a narcissist.

Author Karyl McBride, a marital and family therapist in good standing, supports readers in their quest for personal renewal. Readers could have felt inadequate, lonely, or afraid, which prevents them from establishing meaningful connections. However, McBride’s work teaches people how to identify their trauma, develop a strategy to escape ingrained habits, and reclaim power.


To assist readers grasp the severity of their parent’s problems, author Nina W. Brown gives readers a succinct explanation of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder. It analyzes several damaging behaviors and equips you to understand how they affect your capacity to develop mature relationships.

Brown provides step-by-step instructions for navigating the route of healing and maintaining a healthy connection with a narcissistic parent, as well as helpful tips for developing real-world skills. This book offers you a special technique to take charge of the negative effects of your difficult childhood.



The Narcissistic Family

by - S Donaldson-Press (Author)

The Narcissistic Family – Diagnosis & Treatment: Diagnosis and Treatment

This ground-breaking book makes the argument that, psychologically speaking, growing up with a narcissist is similar to growing up with an alcoholic. For people who have been impacted by psychologically abusive or negligent parents, it offers a fresh therapeutic approach.

The authors, Stephanie Donaldson and Robert Pressman, provide these people with guidance on the appropriate course of action by using clinical cases to assist them identify and deal with their own unmet needs. The text is described as “accessible” and “germaine” while being largely designed by psychologists, with word use catered to the readers.



Readers have learnt more about the impact of growing up with a narcissistic parent thanks to this interesting article by psychologist Jonas Webb. According to his writing, if your parent exhibits certain patterns of conduct, you may be more likely to exhibit those same tendencies or behaviors in your own interactions. But it’s vital to keep in mind that you’re not fighting this battle by yourself.

The effects of childhood neglect have been felt by many people all across the world, and those who still feel something is missing are still working hard. Webb lays forth concrete techniques for recovering from previous traumas and resolving interpersonal conflicts.


Do you still struggle with the effects of having a narcissistic parent? Despite the fact that it’s a very prevalent problem, there isn’t much information about it. The solution is for narcissistic parents to alter their emphasis. There may be no “magic wand,” but recovery can help people find peace and happiness when they are caught up in a toxic relationship with a parent because of a drug abuse problem. Although this book isn’t a therapeutic intervention, it may be used as a mental support and instructional tool, offering advice for a narcissist’s child’s transformation, growth, and recovery.


Books for Those Dealing With a Narcissist in the Workplace

These books provide an overview of the key traits to look for when identifying narcissists in the workplace. Additionally, they provide you a strategy on how to deal with a narcissistic employer, coworker, or business partner so that you may handle them successfully.


Narcissism at Work

by - Marie-Line Germain (Author)

This book not only helps readers recognize narcissistic traits in business, management, and politics but also offers valuable insights into honing the skills needed for specific coping strategies. It is a valuable asset for individual employees, human resource managers, organizational leaders, and psychologists.

Author Mary-Lynne Germaine delves deep into how personal productivity, well-being, and variables like inspiration can effectively impact work relationships and overall organizational influence.


Books for Those Dealing With Narcissism Themselves

This book may be a useful resource for coping with narcissism in a variety of scenarios if you can identify your own narcissistic traits. Narcissists can make adjustments, give up their narcissistic qualities, and concentrate on mending their relationships with the help and guidance of a qualified therapist.

The author of this book, Sam Vaknin, describes himself as a narcissist throughout its pages. It offers a fascinating, cinematic representation of a so-called “narcissist-made” person that can appeal to those who are narcissist-influenced.

Vaknin discusses a range of subjects and contexts in which narcissists exercise their manipulative influence in politics and greater society. This book aims to empower you and safeguard those around you to the very end, regardless matter whether you know a narcissist or are one yourself.


How do I improve myself as a narcissist?

  • Be open-minded. Accept the benefits of counseling.
  • Observe your treatment regimen. Attend planned treatment sessions and take prescription drugs as directed.
  • Find help if you’re abusing alcohol, drugs, or have any other mental health problems.
  • Keep your eye on your objectives.
Is there any way to heal a narcissist?
Narcissistic personality disorder has no known cure, however therapy might help you manage some symptoms. Therapy for mental health issues may be more helpful for people who are less narcissistic than those who have been diagnosed with clinical NPD.
Are narcissists born or made?

The cause could be quite intricate. The setting, in which the parent-child interaction contains excessive appreciation or criticism that does not correspond with the child’s actual experiences and accomplishments, may be a contributing factor to narcissistic personality disorder. Genetics can also be important since hereditary features, including certain personality traits, are handed down through the generations.

Can I change if I am a narcissist?
Can those who possess narcissistic tendencies change? Narcissistic personalities can change, but only if they are willing to. When someone feels superior to or more important than others, they are said to be narcissistic.
Can a narcissist change without therapy?

Change is possible as long as a person is capable of self-reflection and empathic behavior. For instance, let’s say your partner exhibits narcissistic traits when they feel threatened (emotionally or physically). Then facing and neutralizing the threat may be able to curb their narcissism.


It might be difficult, but not impossible, to get over narcissism. People can try to overcome their narcissistic qualities and develop some empathy by seeking counseling and reading self-help books. Anyone coping with a narcissist in their life might benefit from the self-help books described above, which offer detailed advice on managing such interactions.

These books can be useful in assisting you in navigating relationships, regardless of whether you are romantically associated with a narcissist, a family member, an acquaintance, a coworker, or otherwise related to a narcissist.

It may be tough for narcissists to admit the issue at first. They might not even want to admit that their actions could be problematic for others or that their narcissistic characteristics are problematic. However, if you honestly want to support a narcissist in their recovery and care about helping them, then get your hands on copies of these books right now!



All the things have been independently chosen by our editors and authors. We could get an affiliate commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of the links on our website.

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