A History of Art for Beginners and Students

A History of Art for Beginners and Students

There was a large work of his representing “The Shepherds Adoring the
Infant Saviour,” at Seville, in Spain. During the Peninsular War (1808-14)
the people of that city sent many valuable things to Cadiz for safety, and
this picture, on account of its size, was cut in two. By some accident the
two parts were separated; but both were sold, and the purchaser of each was
promised that the other portion should be given him. From this much
trouble arose, because both purchasers determined to keep what they had,
and each claimed that the whole belonged to him, and as they were equally
obstinate, the two parts of the same work have never been reunited.
Fortunately, each half makes a picture by itself.


A History of Art for Beginners and Students

by – Clara Erskine Clement Waters





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